Explore Your Roots
Discover the product recommendations customized to you
5 Tests in one
When you order a DNA test you get all these tests in one DNA collection
CBD Report: Metabolism and Chronotype analysis
Learn about your Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and what it means to naturally manage your pain, stress, and anxiety in your life. Explore the products that compliment your metabolism and enhance your ability to restore, reset, and recover. Your personal ECS score is the key to your ideal function and overall performance.
Skin Renewal Report: Genetics-Based Healthy Aging Program
This innovative healthy aging program utilizes your genetic profile provides nutrition, and lifestyle recommendations to keep you looking and feeling young. Learn your predispositions, and address them with DNA-based lifestyle changes.
Hormone & Metabolism Report: Weight Management Program
Your unique genetic makeup provides you with diet and exercise strategies that are tailored to your genotype. It is a lifestyle plan that is built from what you came with and includes suggestions for regulating your overall wellness!
Fitness Report: Genetics-Based Peak Performance Program
This report is a health and activity performance improvement program based on your genetic profile. The best nutrition, workouts, and supplement regimens for you cannot be determined without understanding your genetic predispositions. Genetic links to sports injury risks, VO2Max, and other athletic traits are also now known and key to athletic performance.
Nutrient Report: Comprehensive Micronutrient Predisposition Analysis
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of your genetic predisposition to absorbing micronutrients in your diet. Even if you eat a perfectly balanced diet with plenty of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, most of us have some difficulty absorbing one or more micronutrients at the cellular level.
Our tests map 8 traits unique to you
With your information we help narrow down the products that are best for you. Your genetics are unique, we feel like your Mett Naturals products should be too.
Entendiendo tu ADN
Solicite una prueba de kit
Con su información, lo ayudamos a reducir los productos que son mejores para usted. Su genética es única, creemos que sus productos Mett Naturals también deberían serlo.
Envía tu Kit
Al recibir su kit de ADN, siga las instrucciones en el paquete. Envíe su paquete a nuestros socios de laboratorio para su revisión.
Vista previa de su informe
Una vez que reciba su informe, lo pondremos en contacto con un profesional de la salud que revisará su informe con usted y le brindará detalles para sus necesidades específicas.
Recomendaciones de productos
Trabajamos a través del informe personalizado para brindar recomendaciones para su producto, la cadencia para la cual debe considerar utilizar productos de cáñamo y las recomendaciones de dosificación que son mejores para usted.
Already have a DNA test? No problem.
We are happy to take previous DNA tests. Order your upload report and our lab partners will review and recommend what works best for you!
¿Ansioso por aprender más?
Pensamos que nunca preguntarías
De todos los informes disponibles, su genética es un factor vital para proporcionarle a su sistema endocannabinoide el mapa y los detalles con nutrientes seleccionados en función de su genética. Creemos que debemos consultar su genética para proporcionar una referencia personalizada para su salud y bienestar.
Obtenga información sobre otros nutracéuticos esenciales en su informe